BluMetric completed monitoring and sampling in 2019 and 2020 as part of the Great Slave Lake (GSL) Phase I (PH-I) Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP). The GSL sites were mined or explored for assorted metals for a short period before abandonment several decades ago. In 2009, CIRNAC began investigations at the Blanchet Island and Outpost Island mines. Remedial activities at the sites were completed in 2015. The LTMP was implemented in 2016, with the objectives to ensure site conditions were performing as designed. The sites included in the PH-I LTMP are located within the eastern arm of GSL and included Outpost Island Mine, Blanchet Island Mine, Wilson Island Mine and Waldron River Property exploration site on the mainland. Remote site logistics and health and safety of program implementation was paramount.
Three monitoring objectives of the PH-I LTMP were: institutional/administrative controls (e.g. signs); engineered controls (e.g. engineered cover and mine seals); environmental monitoring (to assess risk management strategies and ecosystem recovery).
BluMetric compared the data obtained between 2019 and 2020 with the historical data to determine preliminary trends and provided recommendations for program improvement. The monitoring completed was in compliance with the requirements of the LTMP. Recommendations require that any subsequent programs consider the risks identified in the previous programs to ensure fieldwork is completed safely and efficiently and that the individual sites are meeting closure objectives.