Government, Industrial/Commercial

Brownfield Redevelopment Support

Location: Toronto, Ontario
Client: Create TO (formerly Build Toronto)
Client Sectors: Industrial/ Commercial
Services: Hydrogeology & Geosciences, Site Assessment & Remediation, Risk Management

Over the past decade, BluMetric has worked with a group of developers and CreateTO to convert a prime parcel of former industrial land near downtown Toronto to public parkland.

The work program carried out by BluMetric was as follows:

  • Completion of some Phase One ESAs and review of other Phase One ESAs.
  • Design and carry out the Phase Two ESA (including horizontal and vertical delineation of impacts and development of a conceptual site model (CSM).
  • Prepare the pre-submission form (PSF).
  • Complete the RA to evaluate risks to receptors with and without risk management measures in place (including problem formulation, exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, and risk characterization).
  • Respond to Ministry review comments.
  • Work with the Ministry to develop the CPU.
  • Prepare and submit the RSC.
  • Develop the SMP.
  • Supervise contractors implementing the SMP and RMMs required by the CPU.
  • Prepare required reporting to various parties, including annual reporting.

BluMetric successfully carried out the project to meet the evolving and sometimes competing requirements (including technical requirements) of the multiple stakeholders, including: the MECP, the City, and the developer, including responding to review comments and preparing appropriate communications throughout the project. BluMetric successfully completed the project deliverables within the timeline required by the developer and within the proposed budgets.

BluMetric provided advice to the group planning to acquire the former industrial property and several neighbouring properties. We completed Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), prepared a Risk Assessment (RA), obtained a Record of Site Condition, and provided oversight of the implementation of the Certificate of Property Use (CPU) requirements.

The redevelopment included a change in land-use from industrial to parkland, and  the conveyance of the park to the City. BluMetric completed a Tier 3 RA, compliant with O. Reg.153/04 (as amended), and submitted a RSC for the property. Both the RA and RSC were reviewed and accepted by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (Ministry) and City peer reviewers. A CPU was issued by the MECP. Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs) associated with Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APECs) on-site included road salting and the presence of contaminated fill. Contaminants of Concern (COCs) in soil included metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs). Risks to human and ecological receptors associated with direct contact pathways and soil vapour intrusion (and inhalation) were assessed. A risk management plan (RMP) for mitigation of unacceptable risks was developed, and included specifications for: fill caps (installation, inspection, and maintenance); construction of future buildings; soil management; and, health and safety plans for construction workers. The RSC was obtained in 2016.  BluMetric also developed a soil management plan (SMP) for the subject property.

BluMetric has been overseeing the implementation the CPU requirements and SMP since 2016. BluMetric ensured appropriate sampling was conducted to characterize soils imported for the fill cap and to ensure that the appropriate documentation was obtained to account for the origin, quality and nature of aggregate imported for use under hard capped areas. Several areas of the property required excavation of impacted soil to lower grades to accommodate the appropriate thickness of cap. BluMetric oversaw excavation activities and conducted sampling on excavated soil to determine whether the soil was appropriate for re-use under the cap or in other areas of the site which needed to be built up prior to the construction of the soft cap. Some excess impacted native soil was exported from the site and BluMetric collected samples of the soil to characterize it for offsite disposal. Utilities such as storm sewers were installed at the subject property. BluMetric oversaw the environmental aspects of the utility installation, including ensuring that excavated clean cap soil was appropriately segregated from excavated native impacted soil. BluMetric documented all soil import and construction activities at the Subject Property and prepared annual reports, as required by the CPU. BluMetric ensured that all excavated, imported and exported soil and non-soil material were managed in accordance with the SMP.